Zuidas Tour

  • Pillar: Career
  • Workload: 5-8 hours per week
  • Time: October – May

The Zuidas Tour is an exclusive event which connects 15 students with the top finance and consultancy firms located at the Zuidas. With its strategic position between the city center of Amsterdam and Schiphol, it is the most well-known and vibrant business district of the Netherlands. Over 700 companies chose to locate the amazing amount of 39000 employees within the state-of-the-art facilities in the area. This great amount of companies and people enable huge opportunities for networking and collaborating. The Zuidas breathes ambition and is the ideal starting point for a flourishing (international) career

This event is aimed at highly motivated Bachelor and Master students of the School of Business Economics of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, who want to orientate on the next step after university life at the Zuidas.

What do I learn as a committee member?

As a committee member, you will learn to work and communicate in a diverse and enthusiastic team of 4 to 5 students. Becoming a member of this committee is a perfect way to develop yourself personally and professionally and network with the top finance or consultancy firms at the zuidas. Depending on your position you are going to guide your team, acquire and negotiate with large companies, be responsible for the marketing strategy of the event, keep track of all the information flows and communication with important stakeholders, or create and retain the budget of the Zuidas Tour. You will gain persuasive and organizational skills, learn how to deal with deadlines and how to act in a professional business environment.
