Master Introduction
- Pillar: Academic + Career
- Workload: 8-12 hours per week
- Time: October – August
The SBE Masterday committee organizes The SBE Masterday and the Master Weekend.
The Masterday is a kick-off event for all SBE Master students. During this event, we open the university doors for 1,000 new Master students with various keynote speakers. Afterwards a lunch is provided and Master-specific presentations and cases will be organized. The Master students will be challenged to get to know each other, their particular Master programmes, and potential future employers. We end the day with a network drink, a barbecue, and a DJ to open the Master year festively.
The Master weekend is th Introduction Weekend for all new Master students of the SBE in September. The committee is responsible for improving the social cohesion between all master students while preparing for their Master Program. The Weekend is a very fun weekend focused on getting to know each other, connecting with your fellow students, and partying!
What do I learn as a committee member?
As a member of the committee you will be busy organizing a full day with multiple elements in order to give a complete view of what Aureus and the faculty has to offer. You will develop your communicative skills by doing acquisition and being in close contact with various members of the School of Business and Economics (such as Master coordinators, and Career Services). Furthermore, you will develop your organizational skills by making sure the day will run smoothly!