Meet the campus | The Doppio brothers: Niels & Jesper

Most students cannot survive their study days without some coffee. After a short night, during a long day or just when you are thirsty: coffee is the ultimate solution. At the main square of the VU, the Doppio brothers provide you with some delicious coffee, tea and other refreshments. This time in our column ‘Meet the campus’: Niels and Jesper, the two brothers behind the cozy Doppio café.

For the students who don’t know you yet, can you shortly introduce yourself?

Jesper: My name is Jesper, I’m currently working at Doppio VU and I am 22 years old. I have been working here since we’ve opened this place 3,5 years ago.

Niels: My name is Niels, I am 26 years old and I’m currently the franchise operator of this place. I’m from Amsterdam and I have been doing this for 3,5 years now. Before this I’ve had a Doppio store in Hoofddorp, which I’ve sold last year so that I could focus on Amsterdam.

So how are the tasks divided between you two?

Niels: Jesper is taking care of the coffee and everything that comes with it and I am taking care of everything else. Jesper is passionate about coffee and I’m more into entrepreneurship.

Why coffee?

Jesper: Our dad got in touch with Doppio and after some talking this is what came out. Our dad is still present, but in the background. Coffee became a passion. I’ve discovered how nice coffee is, what you can do with it, where it’s qualities lie and what flavors it has. Coffee is one of the most complex products in the world, it has more flavors than wine for example.

Niels: For the last few years we have won the prize for best coffee shop in Amsterdam. Besides that, we were the number 5 in the whole Netherlands last year and Jesper ended as fifth in the Dutch Barista Championship. He can only be fifth haha.

Which coffee is your favorite?

Both: Cortado.

A what?

Jesper: A cortado is an espresso with a small amount of milk. It is nice when you’re craving something strong but you don’t want an espresso.

Niels: Besides that, it is nice because you drink a lot of coffee when you are here, about 5 or 6 cups a day. It is a little bit too much to drink cappuccino’s or latte’s all day.

What is it like to work with your own brother?

Jesper: Very interesting. It is really nice. Sometimes we don’t agree with each other, but most of the time we do agree with each other.

And who wins the disagreements?

Jesper: It comes from both sides. Sometimes he wins, sometimes I win.

Niels: Well, at this moment that should be me. Mostly because I’m the older brother and I have more responsibilities around here.

For the female students: are you still single?

Jesper: Well, it’s complicated…

Niels: It’s not that complicated with him as he says it is haha. And no, I’m not single. My girlfriend studied at the VU and she often came here to drink some coffee and we got in touch that way.

What are your plans for the future?

Jesper: we are creating a new concept right now: Naked espresso. We want to take over Amsterdam with some real good coffee. We are planning to open our first store this June in the Warmoesstraat, but in the long term we want to open ten to fifteen stores through the city.

Niels: We have designed everything ourselves so we have to arrange everything ourselves too. I will be taking care of the new store and Jesper will become the operator at the Doppio VU.

And last but not least, is there something you would like to say to the students?

Jesper: Lots of coffee. And don’t drink soya. Soya is not good. Not for the taste of the coffee, not for the environment and not for your body.

Niels: Just drink soya if you’d like to. For a real barista it is less fun, you can’t make the creations you can make with normal milk. But if we only listen to what he wants, we only sell espresso and that doesn’t work out.

Got thirsty? Fill out the Aureus end of year survey and receive a voucher for a free Doppio Espresso cup of coffee afterwards! Would you like to meet more famous people from the VU campus? Read our blog about Marvin from the Spar, Milka from the 8th floor coffee corner and Jo from the Initium.