Update #1 from the 74th Board
27 October 2022
Dear committee members,
The first period of the academic year has almost come to an end and therefore we from the board thought it would be a nice occasion to share an update with you. Of course, all of you were assigned to a certain committee, hopefully one that was among your preferences, and started working together with your fellow committee members by now. Meanwhile, we have organized some of the first committee member events for you, such as the Committee Release Party and the first Committee Member Drink. We hope you enjoyed these events because there are many more to come during the rest of the year.
Of course, you are currently all busy studying for your exam and working on your final deadlines for the courses of the first period. We hope this is all going well and that you are able to pass the courses satisfactorily. We know from experience that these weeks can be quite stressful, but hold on for a bit longer, you are almost there! In order to celebrate the end of the exam period with us and with each other, feel free to join us for the After-Exam Drink tomorrow (Friday, October 28th) at Café Leentje from 20:00 onwards!
We wish you the best of luck for the upcoming exams/deadlines and hope to see all of you at the drink on Friday!