Message from the 74th Board
20 July 2022
Dear Committee members,
As the school year has come to an end and everyone is enjoying their well deserved summer break, we of the 74th candidate board have started working and are already excited for the upcoming year. We are busy with preparing the first events, such as the introduction week, and look forward to seeing some of you as mentors to help us get through this busy but fun week. It was our pleasure to see so many of you during the successful festival week and we look forward to seeing most of you back at all the events next year! After several years of switching to online events due to COVID, we hope that next year can be a full offline year again with no restrictions! Therefore, we believe that the upcoming year can be one to remember for quite some time, and we hope to provide all of you with experiences which will maximize your student lives. We would also like to invite you to the Aureus rooms for a nice tosti or a cup of coffee, so just remember that our doors are always open for you guys!
Have a great summer and again we are looking forward to seeing all of you next year!
Lots of love,