VUSE Committee
- Pillar: Social
- Workload: 5-8 hours per week
- Time: June – April
In 2017 Aureus hosted their first clubbing event in years together with study association Kraket and the School of Business and Economics: VUSE! The first edition completely sold out the Chicago Social Club with headliners such as Bizzey and The Flexican. The second edition in 2018 was even bigger. There were about 1,000 students partying all night long in the AIR and we had Ronnie Flex as our biggest headliner. Since VUSE is such a success we will organize this every year and you can be part of the team.
What you learn as a Committee Member
As a member of the VUSE committee, you will learn how to organize a large-scale clubbing event with A-list artists and hundreds of attendants. This includes but is not limited to event management, artist handling, sales, marketing, sponsor acquisition, forecasting, and much much more. So if you would like to work in the entertainment industry one day, then this definitely is the committee for you!