VU Introduction Days

Want to get student life off to the right start? Then don’t miss the VU Introduction Days! An entire week, filled with fun activities, organized for new students. It is an unique opportunity to make new friends as you find out all about Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Join a group of your fellow newcomers for the ultimate first experience of Amsterdam.
Despite the limitations because of the measurements regarding Covid19, the VU and Aureus will have a full week program lined up for you. Whereas the VU takes care of practical sessions, for you to get to know the digital environment and all services that the university offers, Aureus takes care of social cohesion for your study specifically. The week will take place in a so-called "hybrid" form, a combination of online and offline activities. It will, therefore, be still possible to meet fellow students in your studies. The groups will be small of size so we can do it together and do it safely. Become an Aureus member and follow the social media to stay up to date.
We can't wait to welcome you next academic year! Are you already a student at the VU and want to be a introduction mentor? You can apply now on the following page: [button button_url="" button_title="Back to Event Overview"]