Tycho Wegter • Career Officer & Secretary
Main responsibilities:
- Development strategic collaboration with SBE Career Services.
- Creating synergy between the different career events
- Creating awareness about professional development among students
- Committee coordination: Amsterdam Career Days, Aureus Business Week, Zuidas Tour, Master Introduction, Master Club STREEM

My name is Tycho and I am the Career Officer and Secretary of the 76th board of Aureus. So far my whole life I have been residing in the beautiful Almere. When I was 17 I started my bachelor of Economics and Business Economics at the VU, which I completed this year as a 20 year old. During this study I went to Budapest for an exchange where I had the time of my life!
After my second year of studying I went on the European Study Trip to Prague, this was my first real contact with Aureus and made me an active member in the association.
Because of my young age and ambition, I decided to apply as a Board Member of Aureus. As a Career Officer I will be supervising the committees regarding the Aureus Business Week, Amsterdam Career Days, SBE Masterday, Zuidas Tour, Aureus Academy and Master Club STREEM. I will also be responsible for maintaining contact with SBE Career Services and the Master Coordinators.
Other than studying, I like to travel, socialize and play sports. Sitting still does not exist for me, I love to be active in any way possible.
Furthermore, I am very excited to meet new people and make this year a success!