Throwback • VU Introduction Week 2017
2 October 2017
As you might still remember, a few weeks ago the introduction week of 2017 kicked off at the VU campusplein. More than 3000 first year students came to the VU to have a great start of this new chapter of their life. Keep reading to look back on that first amazing week: the 2017 Introduction Week!
Wednesday 23-08
The week started on a beautiful Wednesday morning, when it was over 30 degrees outside. All the mentors were waiting at the campusplein at 10 am for their kids to find them, so that the kids could get to know their mentors and their introduction group. Of course this was very exciting, because the first impression is important to everyone. At 11 am, the group had time to get to know each other. Later on, they got to know the other groups as well, since all first year students of BK, IBA and EBE could go to the Blauwe Engel for their first drinks. Knowing many more would follow. After the drinks, there was time to eat dinner together, as the first party of the week came closer and closer. That evening, everybody went to Joop and Bubbels to really start the introduction week off well!
Thursday 24-08
Maybe a little bit hungover, the second day of the introduction week began. The groups had the opportunity to either go to Artis, the Scheepvaartmuseum or the Rijksmuseum. Also, visiting the AEX or the DNB was mandatory on this day, but still very fun. After the day activities, groups had again chosen where to eat. After dinner, almost every day of the week, everybody went to the Vondelpark to chill and also to meet other groups, as it was very crowded there. When it was time to go partying, there was a opportunity to go to the hotshots, where Aureus had organized a party.
Friday 25-08
On Friday, groups had the opportunity to attend the Uilenstede festival where a lot of fun activities and games were organized. Groups also still had the opportunity to go to Artis etc., but the Uilenstede festival was more popular, since it was very crowded and fun. After the festival, it was time for the poolparty in Amstelveen. The long bike ride towards the party was a good way to burn away those burgers and pizza’s from the days before! With very cool music, beautiful lights and drinks, this party really was a success.
Monday 28-08
Some of the kids could get some rest during the weekend, others decided to go to Ommen with a lot of other students, to really make the most out of the introduction week. This was a trip during the weekend, organized by Aureus.
Monday, the serious stuff started at the VU. Almost every group got new mentor kids who had to be introduced to the group. After a tour through the campus and some activities to get familiar with the courses for the first period, the DOK was the next place to be. Here there was a party with a ‘beach’ theme: with nice places to chill. There even was a silent disco. After that, everybody went to the biggest party of the week in Club Up. Dave Roelvink really got everybody dancing and it was the best party so far. There was a photo booth where everybody made the weirdest pictures, not knowing the pictures were automatically saved so that the whole Introduction committee got to see them too😊
Tuesday 29-08
Unfortunately, the last day of the introduction week had arrived. Everybody probably felt a bit hungover, but still in the mood for some fun. Luckily, Aureus had organized a fun game: Fab 44. The groups had to do 44 crazy assignments to get points. For example, one girl was bold enough to stand in a tram and give plane instructions. At the end of the day, the VU had organized a BBQ. After that, everybody got the chance to refresh themselves for the last party of the week: HET EINDFEEST at the Melkweg! Despite a little bit of rain and the long waiting line at the entrance, this party really ended the week with a bang.
Looking for more Introduction Week memories? Then check out all the pictures of the Introduction Week here!