How to prevent the Cycle of Resits

The first exams of the year are coming up and even though you’ve all got a full week of undisturbed studying (and ADE) ahead of you, this free week usually goes by the name of Resit Week. In this week you always get a second shot at the exams you didn’t pass from the period before. Now of course no one likes resits and sometimes (like the week after ADE) they seem inescapable, but the less of them the better.
In this article we will provide you with some tips on how to prevent resits and keep enjoying that free week at the end of every period!

Don’t start too late

This tip will probably not surprise you. You have to start on time with studying, otherwise you will be doomed. You can’t learn an exam in one night (if you can, please share your secret with us). Start thinking ahead. Know when your exams are, when you will have other obligations and let’s go create a planning!

Planning is key

Why should you make a planning schedule? There are several reasons:

  1. A schedule gives order and rest so you can clear your head and destress a little bit.
  2. It will help you to divide big things into small things. You can plan day by day and spread the workload.
  3. You’ll get less distracted and work until everything on your daily to-do list is done. This way you can take breaks more reassured.
  4. Planning is satisfying, just try and see for yourself☺
    Here are some websites that provide planning templates which you can print and fill in yourself: The first one, the second and the third.

Divide your time wisely 

You can’t do everything at once. When you already have other resits coming up: make sure to focus on the most important exams. Your chances of passing them will be much higher than when you only study a little bit for every single exam. Make an appointment with a study advisor if you don’t know how to do this wisely. They can give you some great advice, so don’t hesitate to contact them. Don’t try to do everything at once!

Good luck with all of your upcoming exams and keep this article in mind for when you are getting lost in the labyrinth of books and summaries!

Short on time? Head down to the VU Bookstore to buy our bachelor summaries or sign up for one of the final spots of the Aureus Tutoring Crash Courses & Superlectures here.

Unable to concentrate? Read our article about how to focus and improve productivity here.