New Year’s Resolutions

Happy new year! 2021 has finally arrived, 2020 hasn’t been our year: the pandemic hit hard, but the vaccine is here so there is some positivity ahead of us! With that being said, this is the perfect time to think about new year’s resolutions! Even if you don’t believe in them, you can set yourself some goals. But it can be hard to think of fun resolutions. Luckily Aureus has your back! In this blog we’ll give you some inspiration.

Read more books

The good old cliché: reading more books. Yes I know, it’s not original and you spend a lot of time studying from books. Reading books for entertainment has a lot of benefits though. First of all, it reduces stress. Research shows that even reading for six minutes reduces stress by 68%. Reading also expands your vocabulary, which helps with your study. Knowing more (fancy) words means that you can write better papers. So definitely do not underestimate the power of reading a bit for fun every now and again. Plus some offline time these days can hurt! 😉


Spend more time with friends / make new friends

If anything, the past year has shown us what it is to feel lonely. Spending most of our time alone at home has left its mark on all of us. So let’s use next year to connect more with other people. It doesn’t matter if it’s online or offline, next time you come across someone you don’t know yet, start a conversation. I’m talking to the introverts under us too! Don’t forget the friends you already have. Keep some time free in your agenda to talk to your friends, whether it’s a phone call or in person.



A way to make friends is to do some volunteering work. Volunteering helps you to connect to your community and broadens your network. Other than that, I have personally experienced that volunteering gives you a sense of purpose. The feeling that you can contribute to society is a great feeling. Of course, the extra karma points you get for volunteering can’t hurt either. Click here to check out a volunteering project specially made for SBE 3rd year bachelor students and master students to start your year off right! 


Stop procrastinating

A very important one; a lot of us procrastinate, and it can give us a lot of stress. So let’s procrastinate less in 2021. Try to plan out your day for more structure, and actually stick to your planning. This is harder than it sounds, so a strategy you could use is the 2-minute rule. There are a lot of other techniques and tools out there, so a quick Google search will definitely give you some inspiration. If you can’t stop by yourself, you can always contact the study advisors. 


Hopefully, this blog has inspired you to set some goals! With the new year, the new period starts too. Read this blog to find out how you can start it right.