Meet the recruiter: Resume tips from Merel
14 November 2016
In ‘Meet the recruiter’, we will ask different recruiters tips and tricks on how to improve your chances of getting the job. The recruiters will share their insights on what they look for when attracting, selecting and appointing suitable candidates for different positions. This week, RoamlerTech recruiter Merel Nettekoven will discuss the do’s and don’ts on how to make your resume standout.
The basics
I always pay attention to several factors at incoming applications. It is hard to restrict myself to the resume, because the overall impression also coincides with the accompanying mail/the letter of motivation. First, I recommend all starters to google what a good resume must meet. It surprises me how many basics still go wrong, such as spelling mistakes, no chronological order, wrong months/dates or resumes of five pages long. I think it’s important that your resume is clear and up to today’s standards. Not just a simple enumeration of your personal information, education and work experience. Your resume can be up to two A4 sheets. Simply reducing the font to size 8 is not the solution, you simply have too much text. Use the space you have in an optimal way, for example by putting blocks of text side by side. Is it really necessary to mention all of your part-time jobs on your resume? Consider only those that are relevant to the function. Are you applying for a commercial position where telephone experience is a must? Please clearly state your work experience as a receptionist or at a call center, including your duties and/or responsibilities.
Part-time jobs that are not relevant can also be summarized in “Various student jobs during study (such as ‘vakkenvuller’, receptionist and administrative assistant)”
Make a match
Besides readability and overview, I think it’s important that your resume matches the corresponding function and organization. Create a standard resume, but adjust your resume and your motivation letter to each job. Are you applying at a young and informal company or at a corporate multinational company on the Zuidas? They both require a different approach. Also consider whether you should write your resume in English or Dutch. Do not send an English resume to a Dutch company where even the vacancy text is written in Dutch. This has no value. This often gives me the feeling that it is a standardized application where you have only changed the company name. Give the recruiter the feeling that you have prepared your resume and your motivation letter specifically for his job. You want to work specifically for that company and not for the competitor. In addition, there are many different opinions about whether or not to put a photo on your resume. Recruiters are searching you on social media nowadays, so personally I therefore recommend to put a photo or a link to your LinkedIn profile on your resume. Provide a spontaneous, open, clean and friendly image. This creates a positive first impression.
Do not forget your motivation
As I mentioned before, it’s not only about your resume. I notice that starters usually find it very difficult to write a good motivation letter. Often the motivation letter is an explanation or elaboration of the resume. The resume is a summary of your experience, which can certainly make you a suitable candidate, but it does not motivate your choice for your application. I often miss the answer to what I think are two fundamental questions: (1) why do you want to work as XXX and (2) why do you want to work at XXX. Do you notice that you cannot give a good answer to these questions? Then it is probably not the appropriate function or organization for you. Every company wants to hear why you are applying for them and not the competitor, so thoroughly think about that! Nothing is worse than getting the feeling that the same letter and resume has been sent to ten different companies.
Finally, do not get too creative and do not fear that you will not stand out among the hundreds of resumes. Make sure you provide enough information and keep it clear. I sometimes see beautiful and creative resumes, for example, a timeline, but I often miss a lot of information. Applying takes a lot of time. Do work with a standard resume and letter, but adjust this every time on every job!
Merel Nettekoven, Recruiter Roamler Tech
If you have any questions about your application, don’t hesitate to ask Merel. Her e-mail address is: [email protected]. Furthermore, are you currently looking for an interesting vacancy? Check out Aureus’ vacancy platform: