Maxim van Duuren • Controller

Main responsibilities:

  • Financial administration of Aureus
  • Financially supervising the controllers of all committees
  • Committee coordination: Amsterdam Research Project, VUSE, Masterclub FEA


My name is Maxim van Duuren and I am the Controller of the 75th board of Aureus. I am 21 years old and born in the lovely village called Oostzaan. I started my Bachelor’s in Business Administration in 2020 at the VU with a specialization in HRM. Although the function is not in line with my specialization, my interests lie in both fields.

In my first year at the VU sadly Covid took over, and it wasn’t possible to attend offline events of any type. Although this was a very difficult start of the unversity life, Aureus showed me small glimpses of what they are capable of and do on a daily basis for all the students. So after the summer I was determined to be a part of Aureus firstly by being a mentor during the introduction period of the first year students and secondly by joining the Almanac Committee. I joined this committee since I was able to use all my creativty in creating a yearbook for all our lovely committee members, be at all the amazing events and get to know everyone within Aureus!  In my third year I went abroad to study in Loughborough for half a year at the Loughborough Business School. An experience I wish everybody is able to enjoy one day, so many new amazing people, experiences and knowledge, what a time! Back in the Netherlands I joined the Festival Week Committee and helped out organizing the festival week for the all the students of the School of Business and Economics, which was a huge success.

After years of joining events & committees at Aureus I wanted to be challenged even further and decided to sign up for a board year at Aureus. I happily got to hear that I was appointed as the Controller of the 75th (Lustrum) Board of Aureus. During the year I will be responsible for the administration of Aureus. This means I will make sure that budget is wisely spend in order to add value to our members, while staying financially stable and healthy as study association. I will partially do so by overseeing and helping all other controllers of committees within Aureus. Besides that I will coordinate the committees: VUSE, Amsterdam Research Project and Masterclub FEA

If you have any questions or want to have a chat, feel free to reach out to me. I am not quite the coffee fanatic, but I am always in for a cup of tea!


[email protected]