Aureus • SBE MSc Students
Aureus welcomes you to Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam!
As the study association of the School of Business and Economics, we have a wide range of events and organizational opportunities to offer you. From training sessions with the Aureus Academy to Speakers events with internationally renowned speakers. Become a member of Aureus here. Besides these events, it is also possible for you to organize many social and academic events yourself in the Aureus Master clubs!
Please find our offerings below and become a member of Aureus!
Master Clubs Every Master program of the School of Business and Economics (SBE) has a specialized Master Club with approximately 4 to 5 members. The MC organizes guest lectures, drinks and many other activities in collaboration with companies that fit the interest of students in that specialization. The goal of this committee is to enhance the connections between fellow students, but also create a bridge between companies and students specialized in the same field. The core mission of the Master Club is to create a social community; organize social events, but also create space to share and increase knowledge. Its additional mission is to link students to their future employer, but also its professors and strengthen this relationship.
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Career Just as choosing your Master’s programme was not an easy choice, knowing what kind of job you want to start with may be even more difficult. It is important to start orientating on possible job opportunities during your Master. By doing so, you will get a head start regarding possible career prospects and you will already have gained some knowledge about the job application process. Luckily, Aureus has its own career platform where you can discover opportunities for traineeships, (side)jobs, and career advice.
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Events Aureus and the Master Club specified to your program organize career events, academic sessions, and social activities in order provide a variety of activities in addition to your studies. Have a look of the activities Aureus has to offer. [button button_url="" button_title="Event Overview"]