Marit Nieuwenhuizen • Career Officer

Main responsibilities: 

  • Development strategic collaboration with SBE Career Services.
  • Creating synergy between the different career events
  • Creating awareness about professional development among students
  • Aureus counsellor
  • Committee coordination: ABW, ACD, Zuid-as Tour, SBE Masterday, Master Club STREEM

Hi! I’m Marit, the Career Officer of the 75th Aureus Board. I’m born and raised in Hoofddorp, which makes me a Dutchie. I’m studying International Business Administration and being 21 makes me the youngest member of our board. 

As Career Officer I am responsible for organising and creating synergies between the various career events and the professional development of students. In addition, I am maintaining the cooperation with the SBE Career Services and the Master Coordinators. I also supervise the committees Amsterdam Career Days, Aureus Business Week, SBE Masterday, National Consultancy Competition, Zuidas Tour & Master Club STREEM. 

Outside of the VU, I enjoy socialising, no matter what we are doing, I love being around family and friends. I also like to play games, but watch out, I am a super fanatic! I used to dance, play football and tennis, but now you can find me more often on the padel court.

Aureus is a precious opportunity for personal growth. It brings experience, connections & can guide you in your (career) journey. Moreover, for me it really broadens my (golden) horizon.

I look forward to connecting with you all, sharing experiences and growing together.