How to leverage your ARP story in landing your dream job
15 February 2017
You’ve probably heard of the struggle to get a job without having any experience. It is one of those paradoxes HR manager love to use: requiring work experience for entry-level jobs. I’ve had my fair share of job applications, which only resulted in some mild scepticism towards HR agents. Sounds familiar? Let me tell you how I got a good story to tell during job applications.
My story
My path towards a Master’s degree can best be described as a ‘detour’. For the reason I mentioned earlier I got my undergraduate degree at the university of applied sciences through part time education. Driving through the country during the day, shining with my sales skills, and studying in the evenings and weekends, I was living a good life. It wasn’t easy, but nothing worth having ever is. I graduated in New York City with a study in to the market entry opportunities for a cosmetics company. That particular company offered me a job, which I fulfilled with great pleasure for two years, until I had to leave the country due to visa requirements.
Back in the Netherlands I worked my way into a pre-masters program and got introduced to Aureus. The timing was perfect, because it was at a point where I realized I needed to add more to my educational experience than the regular curricular activities. There they were, using their college talk to tell me what I wanted to hear: come and get the experience you need to further develop yourself. I applied for the Amsterdam Research Project (ARP) and got accepted! My tasks would entail marketing and logistics.
My ARP experience
In the 10 months since signing up, I have learned many valuable lessons, developed hard and soft skills, learned to better reflect on my behavior, and made connections for life. Through the hard work and fun activities I have built friendships that I know will last a lifetime. Of hard work we have had plenty. Weekly returning acquisition activities, marketing campaigns, and logistical challenges towards the trip have given me and my fellow ARP’ers long days and short nights. But especially now that the trip itself comes closer I know that it is worth every bit of energy we have put in.
To me the ARP has meant a year of challenges, and a year of valuable lessons. It has been a project that helped me to build a story for my life and work. Overall it has been, and still is, an unforgettable experience. What’s next? Who knows. I aim to move to New York again. Maybe working at a marketing agency and at some point maybe even starting my own. What I do know is that the Amsterdam Research Project gave me a valuable experience that will help me in my future job, as well as a great story to get me into one.
Have you gotten curious about the story you can build? Get yourself a spot in the ARP committee and make the upcoming year at the VU one you will never forget!
Anton Floor (Marketing & Logistics ARP 2017)
Are you interested in the Amsterdam Research Project? Aureus is recruiting new committee members for the Amsterdam Research Project 2017/2018. For more information and application click here. Application deadline is February 19th.