Kraft Heinz • Interactive Case


At Kraft Heinz we often say: “Bring Your Appetite For More”, meaning we value people who dare to do more, who dream more, and who learn more. Basically, people who are hungry for more. That being said; we are always hungry for new ideas. The Kraft Heinz Salad Cream Case is a unique opportunity for you to present your creativity and brilliant ideas. Bring your best ideas to the table. This is a great way to showcase your full potential to the Leadership at Kraft Heinz!

Heinz Salad Cream Case

Your task is to create a launch plan for a new Heinz Salad Cream NASS product using the data provided to you. You have an hour (60’) to prepare a launch plan for a new Heinz Salad Cream with No Added Sugar & Salt (NASS). 

Section 1: Marketing & Sales plan  

Section 2: Commercial & Supply Chain Finance plan 

Section 3: Supply & Operational plan to deliver the new product

Section 4: Time plan and milestones - Launch evaluation plan

At the end of the hour you will have 15 minutes to prepare a 5-minute Power Point presentation. You will present your plan to the European Leadership Team of Kraft Heinz.

What would you focus on and how would you tackle this launch? Your inspiration could come from everywhere. The sky is the limit. Be as innovative as you can be. There are no right or wrong answers. Are you ready to challenge yourself? Then this is the perfect event for you!

Do you want to know more about Kraft Heinz? Explore their company profile!   When: November 11th from 10:00-12:00 Where: Online Who: All bachelor and master students Application deadline: November 30th  

If you are interested apply via the form below:

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