Wie is de Mol?

  • Who


Are you competitive and do you feel the urge to win every game you play, then do not hesitate and sign up for the ‘Wie is de Mol’- game! On the 11th of April we will kick-off this exciting day at 3PM. If you have as much experience with this game as Jan Versteegh you probably have a pretty good idea on how to play this game. If this is not the case, do not worry!  Just apply and let the mystery unfold itself…

The purpose of this event is not to simply enjoy your day, in fact this is the perfect opportunity to welcome our fellow Aureans who came back from their exchange. This is the ultimate possibility to get to know each other and to test who is the best mole.

After we have finished this game, we will have dinner nearby our favorite place; The Woody’s. After dinner we will be heading there to party along and to make sure that this day will never be forgotten.