Aureus Academy • Thesis Training

15 February 2022

  • When

    15 February 2022

  • Time

    15:30 - 17:15

  • Where

    Online (Zoom)

  • Who

    All students

It’s a part of your studies that everyone looks up to. But still, everyone needs to make it; The Thesis. A big assignment which you’ll be spending a lot of time working on. Like most, you have know idea where to start. To give you a hand, Aureus will be organizing a training that will prepare you for a better start to writing your thesis.

The training will be given by a teacher from the VU who has a lot of experience with supporting students with their thesis. Next to that, an experienced master student will talk about their experiences with writing a thesis and answer all your questions. The training will take approximately 1.5 hours.

The zoom will open at 15:30, so make sure to be on time. 
