Do you want more information about being a consultant for a year, lead a team of 15 students and visit a foreign country for five weeks? Then join the information session about the Amsterdam Research Project!
When: 10th of April 2019
Time: 12:45 – 13:30
Location: HG-07A32
Info: You do not need to register, just stop by
The ARP is a consultancy project that offers both SMEs and multinationals the opportunity to conduct tailor-made research in a foreign country performed by a group of highly-skilled students. Being in the Amsterdam Research Project means that you will be busy acquiring these companies, conducting desk research in the Netherlands and doing field research in the country which can be chosen by you. Previously researched countries include Brazil, China and Colombia.
Within the ARP committee, you will be responsible for the entire project, which will be one of the most challenging years of your life. The skills you will acquire include: selecting an appropriate and economically-interesting country; selecting, coaching and coordinating students; acquiring research assignments from companies; conducting desk research, (logistically) planning the international trip, and developing a valuable research report on which the company can base essential strategic decisions. The Amsterdam Research Project is a perfect opportunity to develop yourself in a variety of ways.
Are you already convinced that you want to join this committee? Then sign up immediately through via the button below.
Sign up for the committee now!
Application deadline: 14th of April
Do you want to read everything about the Amsterdam Research Project? Then visit our website below.