We are all, unfortunately, all too familiar with both climate change and nature loss, two of
the biggest challenges facing our generation. While it is easy to feel overwhelmed in the face
of these issues, it is important to focus on what we can do to prevent the worst of it. One
area that is showing increasing promise to have a meaningful impact is the field of
sustainable finance.
This is why we at Aureus Academy are hosting a speaker event on the topic in form of a panel
discussion. With this event, we aim to give you an idea of what sustainable finance entails
and the different opportunities within the field that awaits you as you graduate.
The event features a diverse panel of four experts who will offer unique perspectives on the
current state of sustainable finance and the different aspects of the field. They will also give
insight into the progress so far, the opportunities and risks within the field, and most
importantly, what still needs to be done. This panel discussion will be followed by a Q&A
where we will pose pre-selected questions from the audience to the panellists.
Each one of our panellists will be lending their own expertise and experience to the
conversation, giving you as an audience a comprehensive overview of the topic.
Aaron Vermeulen – Head of Green Finance (WWF)
Eric de Weerdt – Partner – Sustainability in the Financial Industry – Financial Risk (Deloitte)
Angeles Toledo Rodriguez – Lead Sustainability Advisor and Impact Investor (Blue Sky Group)
Wouter D. van Westenbrugge – Senior Investment Manager (Invest-NL)
Does this all sound interesting to you? and would you like the opportunity to have a drink and
a conversation with the speakers afterwards? Then we suggest that you sign up for this event
as soon as possible because spots are limited!
16:30 – 17:30 – Panel discussion
17:30 – 18:30 – Q&A and Network Drink
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to hear from experts in the field of sustainable finance,
and network with like-minded individuals. During the network drink, the first drinks are on us!
Do you want to give something back to society and the environment? Then tick the box and donate €1 for CSR purposes. At the end of each academic year we will plant some trees from the money.