What: Negotiation training by RoutsLaeven
When: Tuesday, 5th of February, start at 13:30
Where: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, HG-11A36
Who: Bachelor and Master students of SBE
Application deadline: 4th of February, 23:45
Price: Free!
Are you ready to successfully prepare the start of your career? Then sign up for the Aureus Academy! Attend trainings with employees from leading companies to help you develop the needed professional skills for your upcoming career in business.
The first training for this career trajectory will be given on February 5th, 2020 by Routslaeven at the Vrije Universiteit and will focus on how to negotiate based on the Harvard approach! The training will provide a challenging practice situation and feedback based on seven principles. This feedback will also be connected to real-life experiences. Do you want to learn the valuable competence of negotiating based on the Harvard approach? Apply now for this training and develop the life-long skill of negotiation.
About Negotiation
You might not realize it, but we negotiate every day: with others and with yourself. Negotiation is a part of everyday life, but in business, it is absolutely critical to your success. The ability to negotiate effectively might be one of the most instrumental skills employees can have. Negotiation can be about your starting salary and benefits, creating partnerships or even closing deals at your future job. In other words, negotiation is a life-long skill. Therefore, it is valuable to learn how to become a creative, resilient and powerful negotiator.
About RoutsLaeven
Since 1986, RoutsLaeven has been known as a negotiation specialist. The company assists professionals in B2B environments. Thousands of participants apply their learning from RoutsLaeven’s programs on a daily basis, including participants from IBM, HP, Deloitte, KMPG, Rabobank, ING, Unilever, and many more companies. Fundamental in RoutsLaeven’s approach is the Harvard negotiation principles. These principles were introduced in the Netherlands 30 years ago by John Routs and Joep Laeven. Over the years, this method has evolved into seven core principles that allow you to prepare, execute and evaluate every negotiation.
The application deadline is Tuesday, February 4th at 23:59.
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]
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