Aureus Academy • Forex Trading Event

19 April 2022

  • When

    19 April 2022

  • Time

    15:15 - 17:15

  • Where

    Online (not be recorded)

  • Who

    All students

Part of “the Investment of the future” trajectory

Have you always wondered what other types of investments or trading opportunities there are in the current market. Forex Trading, executes several hundreds of trades in a very short time span, and focuses on quantity instead of quality and therefore aims to make profits on each trade. 

Together with FXminds we have organised a training to introduce you to this newer and more unknown type of trading. In this training you will learn the fundamentals of HFX-trading while applying advanced TA-strategies! FXminds is specialised in training people in advanced technical analyses and guides them to become an independent trader, helping them in giving their finances a boost 📈! 

We hope to see you there! 

Aureus Academy💛