Ellemijn Dijkema • HR Officer & Secretary
Main responsibilities:
- Recruitment and selection of new committee members
- Development of sustainable relationships with members
- Personal/Professional coaching of Committee Members
- Communication with BSc Coordinators
- Mailing / communication with (committee) members and partner associations
- Organization and coordination General Members Meeting
- Responsible for the Aureus administration
- Selection of the board 2022-2023
- Committee coordination: Bachelor Club BK, Bachelor Club EBE, Bachelor Club IBA, Internal events, Introduction Committee

About Ellemijn:
My name is Ellemijn Dijkema and I am the HR Officer and Secretary of the 73rd board of Aureus. As HR Officer, I’m in charge of recruiting you and your fellow students for our committees, as well as ensuring that all committee and general members are satisfied with their Aureus experience.
I just finished my bachelor Business Administration at the VU which sparked my interest in Aureus. During my first year, I was in the Introduction Committee, and had a lot of fun organizing the best week of student life! When I went to the second year of Business Administration I joined the committee of the European Study Trip. In this committee I was the Internal Officer, meaning I had to select students to join us for the trip to Budapest. This really generated my interest in HR. Unfortunately, the trip had to be cancelled due to COVID-19 a week before we were about to take off. This really devasted me because we all worked so hard on it. Nevertheless, I wanted to stay positive and I applied for the Graduates Development Program of Aureus. Again, going to a developing country wasn’t in it unfortunately due to COVID-19. We did find a nice charity project to work on in the Netherlands.
When the Graduates Development Program almost came to an end and I was in the process of writing my thesis, I started thinking about what to do after my Bachelor’s. Because of all the setbacks due to COVID-19, I noticed that I wasn’t ready to leave Aureus yet. I talked to some previous board members and realized that doing a board year is the right blend of prolonging your student life for a little while, while still challenging yourself and actually doing something valuable. At this moment I am really glad that I decided to apply for a board year. I have already learned more than I would have thought I would. In the meantime I also made a lot of great and close friends.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me for a cup of tea!