TEDxVU Amsterdam

  • Pillar: Academic
  • Workload: 5-8 hours per week
  • Time: September – June

TEDx VUAmsterdam was founded with the purpose to provide the community of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam a platform to share ideas, inspire others, and take initiative to make our community a little bit better. In collaboration with the VU, Aureus organizes a TEDx event, a day filled with inspiring speakers. 

TEDxVUAmsterdam Committee

The TEDx committee consists of a group of five Aureus members, who organize TEDxVU Amsterdam the next academic year. In order to organize a TEDx edition the committee has to acquire (inter)national top speakers, find sponsors and carry out the TEDx spirit. Besides, the committee decides on a theme, arranges a venue and makes sure the day runs smoothly. 

What do I learn as a committee member?

As a member of the committee you are busy acquiring (inter)national top speakers, setting up the promotion campaign and organizing the next TEDxVU Amsterdam edition itself into the finest detail. Furthermore, you will develop your communication skills in the acquisition process, your academic abilities in thinking of relevant speakers for all VU students and your creative skills in drawing as many students to the event as possible. Finally, it is a big challenge to develop and implement an entirely new platform for speakers at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
