Business Experience Days – A day of Entrepreneurship

A day of Entrepreneurship

During “A day of Entrepreneurship” Aureus and the faculty of Economics and Business Administration will work together to provide a day full of information about the master Entrepreneurship and the career prospects after your study. The day will start with an information session provided by the head of the Entrepreneurship master, study advisors and the office of Career Services. This session will be followed up by an presentation and case by Snappcar. By combining the theoretical knowledge of the faculty and the practical expertise of Snappcar, you will be able to get all of your questions answered. Are you still hesitating which master direction suits you? Or are you wondering about what career options you will have with a Master degree in Entrepreneurship? Sign up for the Business Experience Days: “A day of Entrepreneurship”! Are you interested  in learning more about the master Entrepreneurship? Click here Programme Information session provided by FEWEB  |  14:00 - 15:15 Presentation and case provided by Snappcar | 15:30- 17:15 Drink | 17:15-18:00


"SnappCar is a community of people who share cars. In doing so we make impact. By sharing cars people save on money, contribute to more livable cities and overall less cars are produced. We are funded through crowdfunding and are now the fastest growing car-sharing community in Europe."