Juliette Talan • Career Officer
Main responsibilities:
- Development strategic collaboration with SBE Career Services.
- Creating synergy between the different career events
- Creating awareness about professional development among students
- Aureus Counselor
- Committee coordination: ABW, ACD, Zuidas Tour, SBE Masterday

About Juliette
This year I have finished my bachelor’s International Business Administration after I went on an exchange in Singapore. As I have always been involved in Aureus and have a lot of great memories about my first three years at the university, I decided to apply for a board year. Although I know this year will be different from other years because of the Covid-19 virus, I would like to take up this challenge and make the best out of it, so that other students can get the same amazing experience as I have had during my bachelor study with Aureus.
The first time I got in touch with Aureus was during the introduction week in 2017. During this week I get in touch with a lot of my friends, even Britt with whom I am doing a board year together with now. I was convinced to join a committee at Aureus, although I had also already applied for Nereus. Turned out I was admitted to both associations and I started in the committee internal events, which was my first choice. I was so enthusiastic that I attended every single event while also doing all the mandatory activities at Nereus. Joining Internal events was the perfect opportunity for me to get to know the whole association inside out.
In my second year, I was chairwoman of the sports committee, this was really challenging for me but I have learned how to do the speeches and take up leadership within a committee. Together we have brought back the KaraMidgetBowl, organized amazing winter sports, and also created a new event: Expedition Aureus.
Being in the 72nd board of Aureus is the perfect end to my Aureus Journey and will be a very challenging year. However, I am sure we will make a year nobody will forget and I am looking forward to every single moment of it.