Commercial Officer & Vice-Chairman • Marc Boerema

Main responsibilities:

  • Acquisition and relationship management of companies
  • Sponsor- and partnerships
  • Committee coordination: Amsterdam Career Days, Commercial Team, VUSE
  • Responsible for the acquisition activities throughout the association
  • Vice-Chairman of the Aureus Board – developing and maintaining the long term strategy of Aureus

About Marc
Two years ago my journey at Aureus started with the organization of the Aureus Business Month and my MSc Spatial, Transport and Environmental Economics. What started out as a project to boost my resume, ended in joining into one of the most amazing communities in Amsterdam. I never expected that this study association would be such a huge part of my life, but now that it is I cannot imagine my life without it.

My bachelor was at another faculty which means that I was not very familiar with our association, or with any business-related matters at all. This is why my first role within a committee was acquisition, the perfect way to ‘professionalize’ my contacts with formal partners and expand my network. I cannot say that organizing this event went without any problems. Hence, a month prior to the event we had to change the location and look for another company, but with an amazing team, we proudly look back on what we have achieved.

This first step into the association made me realize two things: Because of my broad range of interests, I realized that I became very uncertain of what I wanted to do after my study, and I really like to meet new people and explore new opportunities. I am therefore so grateful that I got the opportunity to fully dedicate a year exploring new opportunities, meet new people and work within an amazing board.

In my role, I want to build and develop relationships with all our stakeholders, as well as develop the long term vision for our association. But most of all, I want to enjoy this time together with the board, the members and our partners.

[email protected]