Can I access my university workstation from home?
The university provides several opportunities to access your university workstation from home.

Remote access to your files
A common program to transfer files to other servers (such as the VU-server that contains all your files), is FileZilla. With this program you can easily transfer files from home to your VU-account. First you will have to download the FileZilla client. Once FileZilla has started, you can click at the top on ‘Site Manager’ (CTRL + S). Add a new site here with the following information:
- Host:
- Protocol: SFTP – SSH File Transfer Protocol
Select a way of logging in (normal), fill in your VU login details and click on connect. Now you can easily drag files to and from your VU-account.
VU library
It is possible to use the VU to access the VU library and libraries around the world from home. In order to do so it is important to use either LibSearch or to install a bookmark for more information go to