Marketing Officer • Iris Klein
Main responsibilities
- Responsible for all on- and offline promotional communication
- Creating the strategic positioning and segmentation of our brand
- Supporting committees with their promotional activities
- Aureus Confidant (Vertrouwenspersoon)
- Committee coordination: Almanac, Blog Committee, European Study Trip, Graduates Development Program, Marketing Team

About Iris
Introduction Week 2016 was the first moment I got in touch with Aureus. During this week, Aureus yellow was found all around the VU, everyone was so nice and open and it was for sure the best start of my study time as an International Business Administration student! I decided I wanted to join a committee, as the combination of fun and development attracted me from the beginning on. The first committee I joined was the Introduction Committee, which organizes the whole Introduction Week. I was in charge of the acquisition, which was a great opportunity for me to get in touch with companies and improve my professional communication skills. The year after, I became part of the Internal Events Committee, which organizes all the events for committee members. As a chairwoman, I was challenged a lot and I learned how to be the leader of a team. After my exchange to Singapore, I wanted to do something more serious and decided to become a participant in the Graduates Development Program. With a team of 15 students, we raised money and went to Uganda to help local entrepreneurs with their businesses. We were grateful that we got the opportunity to help these people, and the whole community was more than happy with our visit! After all these different experiences in Aureus, I decided I wanted to challenge myself even more.
I applied for a board year as the last step of my Aureus journey. I’m looking forward to this year and hope to take myself and the association to the next level!
[email protected]