General Information

General information and requirements
The Aureus Board is balanced, well put together a team of people that consists of at least 7 different positions: chairman, controller, HR-officer, career officer, commercial officer, innovation officer, and the marketing officer. Every position comes with its own responsibilities and its own daily tasks, but together with your fellow board members, you work on strategic projects to innovate Aureus as an association.
Furthermore, every board member supervises particular committees and sets up policies to help the committee members get the most out of their event or time at Aureus. The current operations regarding the committees and strategic actions are discussed during the weekly board meetings. In general, two board meetings are held every week; one about operational processes and one about the progress of the general strategy.
Apart from the day to day business and keeping the association running, the board represents Aureus at different events; events from the VU, other companies, other associations, and of course Aureus’ own events. During these events, you will meet lots of other people from all over the country and get to learn and share your experiences.
To give the board the opportunity to grow and develop, every board member will be linked to a personal coach as Aureus finds it important to invest in her board members and wants them to get the most out of a board year. A personal coach helps you with evaluating your strengths and weaknesses, setting goals and evaluating your personal development. Next to a personal coach, the whole board will get several trainings by renowned companies to become more effective as a team and to strengthen the bond between board members.
In sum, a board year promises you a lot of responsibility, gaining new experiences, improving organizational and people skills, expanding your network, but most of all, a huge leap in terms of self-development and self-knowledge.
Are you ready to step aboard?
Requirements for applying
You have to be: • In the final stage of your VU career (third-year bachelor, premaster or master) • A student of the School of Business and Economics at the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam • Someone with organizational experience (either with Aureus or externally) • Motivated and dedicated to start a fulltime year at the VU • Someone with a basic level of Dutch (B1 level)
A board year is not a paid job. However, you will receive a scholarship from the university every month which can be compared with the payment of an internship. In addition, it is possible to be registered as a student and be refunded 80% of your tuition money, thus allowing you to make use of your regular study loans.
Full time
An Aureus board year requires full-time dedication and responsibility from all board members. This means working hours presence at the Aureus office during weekdays. You are also expected to attend the Aureus activities such as training sessions, drinks and dinners, business trips and weekends. Therefore, it is advised not to have more than two/three courses or a time-consuming part-time job during this board year.
The announcement of the new board will take place on the 28th of May. From the first of June, you are expected to be available for the transition of the board. During the month of June both the current, as well as the new board will be expected to be available. This month will be a transfer month, whereby the ‘old’ board will transfer all their knowledge to the new board.
From the first of July, the old board will retire, and the new board will be responsible for the daily operations of Aureus for a full 12 months.
During the summer you will have about two weeks off for some R&R.
If you have any additional questions about a board year at Aureus, please contact the selection committee ([email protected]). We will be happy to answer any of your questions!