Interesting Sectors in Poland
The largest industries in Poland are the agriculture, manufacturing, and energy industries. This is also seen from the main exports of Poland, which consist out of vehicle parts, machinery, and equipment. The main imports of Poland consist of electronic equipment, machinery and vehicle parts. The Netherlands mainly export electronic equipment, vehicles, and produce. The Netherlands imports crude oil and petroleum products, vehicles, and eclectic equipment.
Water Management:
Poland needs to invest in its water management. There are several issues with regard to quality of water, the increased risk of floods, and the lack of water. Because of the similarities between Poland and the Netherlands, Dutch companies can share their expertise with regard to climate adaptation, water management, port development and inland waterways, and water technology. Poland has the resources to solve these issues but lacks the expertise to properly do this.
Sustainable Mobility
Increased economic growth is leading to a greater emission of greenhouse gases. In 2017, transport contributed to 27% of global greenhouse gases emitted, whereby transportation represented 58% of all the energy consumed on the planet. In order to achieve the significant reduction in greenhouse gases, it requires a large shift from internal combustion to things like electric powertrains, electrical cars and buses and so on.
Poland itself is a nation that has a large number of suburbanisation and a combination of economic growth; this leads to an increase in the demand for privately owned cars. However, the nation is also leading in the number of public transport systems it already has. Henceforth, a focus on allowing people to continue to own private vehicles or such can be achieved by focusing on electric vehicles and car-sharing systems. Also, because of the initial high demand for public transport, these facilities can continue to be founded but in a more sustainable way. Alongside these two main points, sustainable mobility targets can also be achieved through integration of things like electric scooters and also sustainable options within freight and delivery services.
As of now, Poland is lacking in sustainable mobility options in general and also to its neighbouring countries. Poland is however under development pressure from local and EU sustainability policies, such as Koncepcja Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju and the EU commission 60% emission reduction, both for 2030. Therefore, Poland has one of the biggest growing demands for sustainable mobility as the move towards more sustainable mobility is needed. Hence, this creates great investment opportunities for companies such as yourself. These investment opportunities are baked by EU commission subsidies and also policies created by the Polish government.
Leading on from this, the Netherlands is a leading nation within Europe in sustainable mobility and hence Poland has a lot to learn and a lot to gain from companies, like yourself, already thriving within the Netherlands. ARP is here to assist you in expanding your business into the Polish market and to be able to provide you with information to be able to benefit from positive gaps in the market.
The offshore wind energy sector in Poland is booming. The offshore wind energy sector in Poland is expected to generate 25% of Poland’s energy demand by 2030. As the local expertise in offshore wind in Poland is limited, they are looking for external partners for help, therefore there is huge potential for foreign organizations to play a big role in the offshore wind sector in Poland. As construction of offshore wind parks hasn’t started yet but is expected to start in 2025, there are lots of opportunities for foreign companies.
Energy Transition
The government in Poland is not fully focused on finding renewable energy sources, which means that the consumers in Poland are mostly still using electricity which comes from the production of coal and lignite (in 2019, a whopping 74% of its electricity generation was coal-fired). Renewable energy plays a larger role in today's society and this will only increase. Thereby, one of the EU’s 2020 climate goals for Poland was to increase the share of renewable energy sources in total consumption to 15 percent, with total consumption including the electricity, heating and transport sectors. In other words, this is a great opportunity for companies from outside Poland to enter the market with renewable energy in Poland.
Circular Economies
Circular Economy business models have become increasingly popular to create sustainable businesses. EU regulations and the need to reduce the use of limited resources have pushed many companies to improve its processes, reducing the use of limited resources and the production of waste. In that sense, Poland presents a big room for improvement in different sectors, such as the food sector. We believe that our team can create value for companies that aim to make their processes more efficient and reduce costs and waste.