Master Club Leadership & Change Management

  • Pillar: Social + Career
  • Workload: 3-5 hours per week
  • Time: October – June

The Leadership and Change management (LCM) Master Club is a committee that consists of motivated and enthusiastic LCM students who organize fun and professional activities for all LCM students throughout the year. The activities vary from informal drinks to useful inhouse days with consultancy firms. The committee mostly focuses on social and career related events. This year, we organized a successful alumni talk where five alumni students gave insight into the start of their successful business career. Our master is a really nice community of students and therefore we like to have a lot of social activities together. We try to facilitate this and let the students connect with each other through drinks and dinners. Through the efforts of our Master Club students can network with their future employers and their fellow students. If you are interested in organizing one of these great events by yourself join the committee!

What do I learn as a committee member?

As a member of the Master Club you learn various skills: how to connect students with each other and with potential employers, how to organize activities, communicating professionaly and how to work in a team. This will be done by organizing different social and career related events. Put your networking skills into practice by being the contact person for students, for professors and for employers. You will gain organizing and communication skills by doing for example acquisition and promotion. Besides this is a great opportunity to get to know all the master students of your study and therefore broaden your network socially and professionally. Lastly, you will work closely together in a team of 4 fellow students.
