Career Officer • Gwen van Heijst

Main responsibilities

  • Creating synergy between all the career events
  • Creating awareness about professional development among members
  • Developing and aligning the strategic SBE Career Services partnership
  • Responsible for the E-assessment service
  • Committee coordination: Amsterdam Career Days, Aureus Business Month, Business Experience Days, Aureus Academy, SBE Masterday, Accountancy Tour, and Premaster committee

About Gwen
The first time I came in contact with Aureus was during the introduction week when I first started my bachelor Bedrijfskunde three years ago. Because I had had such a good time those first weeks, it was kind of a dilemma whether I would join a committee or would focus fully on my study the first year. In the end, I chose the latter, just to be safe. However, quite early in the year, I noticed I had enough time on my hands to do something extracurricular, so I joined the program committee of Bedrijfskunde. This did not take that much time, but I really missed the social aspect. That is when I applied to join the European Study Trip to Lisbon as a participant with Aureus.

This is where I got to know so many new people and really got an insight into what Aureus had to offer me. To connect with students who all have the same mindset and also to develop myself, socially and professionally. After the EST I also applied for the Bachelor trip to Antwerp together with a few friends and that was when I decided that I wanted to join a committee.

The first committee I joined was not my first choice, but I decided to do it anyway just because I liked Aureus and wanted to grasp any opportunity to learn. This committee was the Aureus Academy and I really had a good time that year. Afterward, I wanted an even bigger challenge and joined the Aureus Business Month. I had quite some struggles during that year and had to learn a lot. My responsibility within this committee was the online and offline promotion of the event and because this was really out of my comfort zone, this was a big challenge for me. After the Aureus Business Month, I came to the conclusion that my development was not even near completed and that I could really still improve my professional and personal skills. It was because of this difficult experience with the committee that I decided to apply for the board of Aureus as one more step of development within the association. This is a big challenge lying ahead of us and a big opportunity for me and the rest of the 71st board of the association to learn, make mistakes and grow as professionals.

[email protected]