Why Vietnam
Vietnam has benefited from its stable government and social structure, while some countries in the Southeast Asia region remain vulnerable to political and economic instability. Its advantageous geographic location can serve as a launch pad and home base for what is already the largest collection of people on earth (ASEAN, China, Japan, South Korean and Chinese Taipei combined account for over 2 billion people). In addition, Vietnam offers many more benefits to foreign companies: low wages, a fast-growing middle class, political stability, an abundance of natural resources and a fantastic geographical location.

With the entry of the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and Vietnam in 2016, there have been increasing opportunities for Dutch companies in Vietnam. The agreement is one of the most comprehensive and ambitious trade and investments agreements that the EU has ever concluded with a developing country. It gives exporters and investors from countries in the EU further opportunities to access one of the fastest-growing countries in the world.
Sectors with high potential are for example; Life Sciences & Health, Energy, Agriculture, Transport & Logistics and Water.